Interim Management

You have a vacancy or want to strenghten a role for some period of time: CTO, CDO, CIO, Development leader, (crisis) project leader. Please use my experience.


You aim for transforming your organization and processes to adapt to a faster changing corporate environment. Please use my ability to lead people.


You want to implement a hands-on strategy (e.G. want to learn where to use AI in your organization). Please use my knowledge.

My Offer

I offer opportunities for your success using my experience

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From my Blog

I’m actively blogging since nearly 20 years. This blog is a reboot. I would like to deliver flashes of thought. Have fun.

No power to the negaholics!

By Monika Setzwein on November 4, 2024

A gloomy November mood. The wind sweeps wet leaves through Hamburg’s streets, the cold creeps up my spine and before I can even take my coat off at the checkroom, I hear two voices from the conference room: “Have you heard about Jasper’s new idea?” “Oh that, it’s no good anyway.” “I don’t think it’ll ever work. Well, I’m not going along with it anyway.” Phew, I think, another gathering of self-confessed negaholics Where do some people get the unshakeable certainty that everything always goes wrong? Mustn’t that be terribly exhausting? Well, maybe not. After all, if nothing works anyway, there’s no need to make an effort. So perhaps a little bit of pessimism is quite practical at times.

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„At the end of the day” - Closing methods for workshops and seminars

By Monika Setzwein on October 4, 2024

What is remembered and “taken away” at the end of a workshop or seminar also depends on how the event is methodically concluded. Feedback formats are usually used, e.g. as a flashlight or evaluation sheet. This provides the seminar leader in particular with important information on how the form and content were received by the participants and what can be improved in the future. At the end of internal working sessions, the main aim is usually to record the results. Ideally, next steps, deadlines and responsible persons are defined in an action plan.

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Artificial Intelligence for product managers: Starting the AI journey

By Christian Setzwein on February 24, 2021

As a product manager, you are eager to advance your company and have come across an opportunity to try your hand at artificial intelligence. Reading up on the subject in magazines and blog articles has already sparked some initial ideas, and the initial feedback from your team has also been positive. Now you are ready to get started – but how can you best begin this journey?

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Machine Learning - Key tool for disruptive digital transformation

By Christian Setzwein on November 26, 2020

The world has changed significantly and at an incredible pace in recent decades due to digitalization, and it will continue to do so. Many companies are currently undergoing digital transformation, or their clever minds are considering how they can start this change within themselves.

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